We build you a straightforward, unbiased strategy that incorporates your guiding principles so you can pass along what matters most.
If your estate and legacy plan was in order, we doubt you’d be here.
But we’re glad you are.
Take the Evolution Strategies 5-minute STATE OF MY AFFAIRS quiz to get on the right track.
of wealthy families lose their wealth by the second generation.
of life insurance policies sold in Canada are paid out upon death.
of adult Canadians don’t have a will in place.
How It Works
You should have peace of mind that your wealth and guiding principles will be passed through many generations to come.
We get you there with unbiased advice that helps you organize all your estate-related plans, communicate your wishes to your family, and develop a strategy that incorporates your vision, values, and beliefs.
Get your estate in order and your plans working together
It’s never too late to get your estate in order, so you and your family are aligned for a smooth transition of wealth. We also review your existing tax plan, will, and financial plan to ensure they’re working together.
Turn your estate plan into a legacy plan
Our holistic, bottom-up approach ensures your vision, values, beliefs, and goals are at the core of your ever-evolving estate and legacy plan, creating greater harmony and prosperity for generations to come.
Build a meaningful, lasting legacy
Staying on top of your goals and priorities leads to an estate and legacy plan that acts as a roadmap for future generations, ensuring they use your wealth wisely and carry forward your positive impact.
How Our Family Has Helped Other Families
This isn’t your typical estate planning conversation.
It’s more impactful, insightful and honest.
It’s more impactful, insightful and honest.
Our Below the Surface approach to legacy and estate planning goes beyond the documents prepared by your accountant, financial advisor, financial planner, or lawyer.
We go deep into your vision for the future, working with you below the waterline to bring your values and beliefs to the forefront. This isn’t a superficial exploration. Our powerful process allows you to:
- Define a family wealth philosophy that creates a framework to make informed financial decisions
- Clearly communicate what matters to you with the people who will be most affected by your legacy and estate plan
- Align and optimize your strategies across all your advisors
- Prepare your family, executor, and other stakeholders for wealth transition
- Eliminate needless stress for your family after your gone, perhaps even while you’re still here!
Is your estate in order? Take our quiz.